Saturday, June 7, 2008

Shout-out to some mad-awesome historians

So since I'm probably going to tell my former professors (at Rutgers University, whose History department ought to be recognized as totally rockin') (I'm graduated, wooooooo!!!!) about this history blog soon, I thought I'd give them some props before they actually see the site, so here it goes:

Matt Matsuda - I had him for Histories of the Pacific, although he is also a master of European History and other fields, and he's now the crazy-awesome Dean of College Avenue Campus.

Herman Bennett - I had him for Age of European Global Expansion, an intense man, a great historian, even if I don't agree with everything he says. An expert on colonial history especially in regards to Afro-Latin, I look forward to his book-length project on Afro-Mexicans.

Samantha Kelly - An excellent scholar of Early European History who taught me Development of Europe Part I. She had an eclectic approach to the subject which helped to overcome my initial reluctance to learn more about Europe.

Martin Klimke - A man who brings remarkable depth to modern European history, revealing sides of a well-trodden history I never knew when I took his class for Development of Europe Part II. Immensely friendly guy too. Met him while he was visiting at Rutgers, but his native university is University of Heidelberg, and his native land is Germany.

Sumit Guha - The absolute master of South Asian history. I took him for South Asian History, 600 BC - 1950 AD, but to be honest I wanted to also take his South Asian History: The First 3 Millenniums and South Asian History: 1950-present. Like I said, the man dominates South Asian History.

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    The charmingist man you ever will meet. A man of odd knowledge, some thinkings, a little creativity and a little aptitude, I strive to understand and share my thoughts. Because I AM THE GREAT AND GLORIOUS RAND. Remember that.