Cue Bent by Matchbox 20, as well as I suppose Shimmer by Fuel and for completeness' sake let's throw in an AMV of Shimmer set to FLCL.
I am quite the musical man am I not?
I have felt somewhat bent lately. Maybe the tireness... maybe the hyper-busy-ness... maybe the loneliness... maybe the magic space aliens...
But maybe I should stop whining about it. Introspection's fine, but wallowing just stops me from realizing how awesome I am.
As Barney (from How I Met Your Mother) said, "When i'm sad, i stop being sad and i become awesome instead."
True Story.
But it's hard being awesome sometimes.
Because being awesome's a great burden, when you commit yourself to that path, well, you can't just say the world's not good enough, because the truly awesome don't depend on the world to make them awesome.
Perhaps that's a generator of much of my fears.
Or perhaps the matter's simply a fear of failure.
Or both, or everything or shabiddie-dooda-dee-do, etc.
But you can't let that fear keep you.
Fear cannot master the soul.
Because God has freed it.
Anywho, just a short little juant on a snowy day where the weather outside is frightful and the weather inside my brain is a little less than delightful.
But as long as you love me so, hey let it snow, let it snow, let it snow...
Anywho, take it to your head, take it to your heart and remember Rand rocks. Goodnight Folks!
5 years ago
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